300m Run
10/side bottoms up KB press
5/side half kneeling shoulder opener
10 Sumo Squats
complete 1 kb complex with warmup weight on each side
1 set:
5R/5L Split Stance RDL with KB
20m KB Carry
A.) 8R/8L Split Stance RDL with KB
B.) 40m KB Carry (1 Arm OH/1 Arm Farmer)
-rest 1:30
*add weight as needed
15 Minute AMRAP:
Right Arm KB Complex 53/35
Left Arm KB Complex
1 Complex=
5 Rows
4 Cleans
3 Front Squats
2 Push Press
1 Thruster
100m = 1 rep
*the rows should touch the ground every rep and the cleans should be done with a swing