A. GENERAL (5:00)Amrap 5 minutes10 Air Squats10 Plank to Alternating Ankle taps10 Medicine ball overhead sit ups (straight legs)
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (1:30)PVC or Band Shoulder dislocates (pass through)10 Rotations standing10 rotations in bottom of squat
C1. SPECIFIC (7:00)Snatch Drills: Focus on Pull under (shrug)2-3 x 5 High pull from power position2-3 x 5 Tall Power Snatch----5-7 Tempo Power Snatch----Ram up to 75%
C2. SPECIFIC (3:00)Wall Balls10 Medicine ball squats10 Medicine ball push press10 Wall balls----HSPU2 x 5 Pike HSPU / Banded pike HSPU5 Strict HSPU / 5 HSPU modification
2 x EMOM 5:
2 Snatches @ 75%-Rest 1:00 between EMOMs-
Score: WeightTC: 11 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerTechnical load
IntermediateAs written
E3MOM x 525 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs10 Handstand push ups
RX+ 30/20lbs
Score: Each set for timeTC: 15 minutesKG: 9/6
Scaling OptionsBeginner18 Wall Balls @ 12/8 lbs10 DB shoulder press @ 25/15 lbs x 2
Intermediate L125 Wallballs @ 16/12 lbs10 Pike Handstand push ups, feet on box)
Intermediate L218 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs8 Handstand push ups
3 sets10/10 Bent over band pull downs, heavy band10 Band face pulls
Goal: Upper body antagonist accessory