A. GENERAL (5:00)400m jog / 2 minute machine2 rounds of10 Banded monster walk steps (5 forward & 5 backward)10 Pause Air squats10 Band hollow body lat pull downs
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (1:30)Squat to Reach 20 reps
C. SPECIFIC (10:00)1. 2 x 5 Beat Swings
2. Glide Swing Practice3 x 3-5
3. Bar Muscle practice & Kipping pull up Practice & Strict pull up set-up
C2. SPECIFIC (6:00)Thrusters10 Front Rack rotations5 Front Squats5 Thrusters, Pause at the top (coach athletes on how to return the bar)5 Thrusters, cycling the bar, focusing on seamless transition from overhead to squat----Work up to first working weight & gather weights for the other 2 loads. ----Practice Round (optional)5 Thrusters1-2 Bar muscle ups or Scale
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Thrusters3 Bar muscle ups after each set
10-9-8 @ 95/657-6-5 @ 135/954-3-2-1 @ 155/105
Score: TimeTC: 16 minutesKG: 43/30, 60/43, 70/50
Scaling OptionsBeginner10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Thrusters @ 65/45 lbs3 Strict pull ups after each set
Intermediate10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Thrusters3 Kipping Pull ups / Chest 2 Bar
10-9-8 @ 75/657-6-5 @ 115/754-3-2-1 @ 135/95
3-5 sets10 DB Bench Press10 DB Pullovers
Moderate to heavy load
Rest 1-2:00
Score: WeightTC: 10 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner & IntermediateAs written
Prone Hamstring curl3 x 15 @ moderate to heavy band
Goal: Lower body posterior chain accessory.