A. GENERAL (4:00)Amrap 4 minutes25’ Big Skips6 Beat swings (mix up grip from one round to the next)6 KB Deadlifts, light
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)2 sets5 Band Lat pull downs, chin up grip20-30 sec hollow body hold
C1. SPECIFIC (2:00)2 sets of3 Strict Chin ups / 3 Band assisted / 3 Supinated Ring rows
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)5 Russian KBS (talk about keeping the heels down)5 Russian KBS (talk about Keeping torso up until the load comes into the hips)5 KBS, full range, workout weight
Score: Reps TC: 6 minutes
Scaling OptionsBeginnerSupinated ring rows
IntermediateBand assisted
50-40-30-20-10KBS @ 53/35 lbs Run 400m After each set
Score: TimeTC: 20 minutesKG: 24/16
Scaling OptionsBeginner35-30-25-20-15 KBS @ LightJog 200m
Intermediate @ lighter KB or Russian
3 sets10 Alternating DB Bench Press20 Bent over Lat pull down