A. General
2 rounds
30 second stiff burpees
15 Vertical toe touches
10 Russian KB swings
Vertical toe touches https://youtu.be/6EDeeGnRrys
B. Activation
2 sets
7 Banded Y pulls
5 Banded wall slides
5 x 1 1/2 press*
*Press to forehead and pause, back down to shoulders, TNG into a full press overhead. This is one rep.
C. Metcon Specific
-3 Hang RDL: To top of the knee
-3 Hang clean pulls
-3 Hang muscle cleans
-3 Hang power cleans
-5 Back squats
-5 OH Squats
Score: Weight
TC: 10 minutes
Scaling Options
5 x 2 @
As written
Strict press
2RM + 20% bands
3 rounds for time
5 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24"
5 Ring Muscle-ups
Rest 2 minutes after the 3rd round
3 rounds @95/65 lbs
21 OHS
21 Hang Power Cleans
Score: Time - 2 minutes
TC: 16 minutes
KG: 43/30
5 Burpee step ups
5 Box/Assisted ring dips
15 OHS @ 45/35
15 Hang cleans @ 45/35
5 burpee box jumps 24/20
5 Feet assisted RMU
21 Hang cleans
3 sets
Max Chest to ring chin hold
8/8 Iso-dynamic Chinese rows