1 set:10 arm swings across10 arm swings overhead10 torso twists20 alternating hamstring scoops20 high knees20 butt kickers:30 single-unders
Pre-workout:EMOM 8::20 crossover singles- Rest the remainder of each minute.
Record total reps.
PUSH JERK | 10:00
3 jump and land (hands at sides)Jump hard and stick the landing.
3 jump and land (hands at shoulders)Push the knees forward slowly, THEN jump and land.
3 jump, punch, landJump with the hands on the shoulders, THEN punch overhead and land with a straight arm.
8-10 push jerksJump hard and squeeze the glutes.
8-10 top-to-top push jerksStart overhead, push the elbows forward to bring the bar to the shoulders, then jump and finish the next rep.
BUILD-UP | 7:00
1 set:10 push jerks (light)5 push jerks (moderate)3 push jerks (workout weight)– Rest 1:00 between sets.
- RX -5 rounds for time:55 double-unders5 push jerks (125/185 lb)
- INTERMEDIATE -5 rounds for time:55 double-unders5 push jerks (95/135 lb)
- BEGINNER -5 rounds for time:25 single-unders5 push jerks (65/95 lb)
2 sets::30 calf stretch/side:30 lacrosse ball shoulder mash/side