1 Round:
20 Jumping Jacks20 Mountain Climbers10 No Push-up Burpees+2 Rounds::10 Passive Bar Hang + 5 Scap Pull-ups5 Kip Swings5/side DB Suitcase Deadlift10 Alternating Crossbody V-ups10 Alternating DB Power Snatch
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 16 minutes:3 Strict Pull Ups6 Devil's Presses @ 50/35 lbs9 Toes to Bars12 AbMat Sit-Ups
Top Scores - 6 RoundsMinimum Goal - 4 Rounds
Scaled:16 min AMRAP3 Banded Strict Pull ups6 Devil's Press - 35/25lbs 9 Kipping Straight Leg Raises12 Abmat Sit ups
Beginner:16 min AMRAP3 Leg Assisted Pull-ups6 Devil's Press - 25/15lbs 9 Hanging Kipping Knee Raises12 Abmat Sit ups
Every minute for 9 minutes (3 rounds):Minute 112 Lateral Raise- platesMinute 212-15 Banded Face PullsMinute 312 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows*12/side for Single arm DB Bent over Row.
* Regular Grip Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
* Wide Grip Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
* Narrow Grip Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
* Reverse Grip Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
* Mixed Grip 1 Grip Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
* Mixed Grip (2) Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
***Extra Credit * (Tall) Ring Pull-ups + * Ring Dips
Rep Scheme
Week 1: 2 reps
Week 2: 3 reps
Week 3: 4 Reps
Week 4: 5 Reps
Week 5: 2 reps with weight
Optional Scales
15-20 Scapular Swimmers*Accumulate 15-20 reps for quality, slow and controlled.
Pistol Warmup
1 Strict Paralette Handstand Push-Up Max Height*Build to a 3 Rep Max Strict Deficit
Strict Paralette Handstand Push-Up3 sets of 2-3 reps @ 70%Rest as needed*Use @ 70% of deficit completed in Part 2.
4-6 sets:20 Sec AMRAP Pistols - Alternating20 Sec AMRAP Strict HSPUs--Rest 1:20 between sets--
*Move with quality and smooth tech, hitting good depth and positions with controlScoringReps (higher is better)
3 Eccentric Only Parralette Handstand Push-Ups Max Height*Build to a 3 reps for the day with minimal time between reps.
6-8 sets:Strict Handstand Push-Up6 sets of 2-3 repsRest as needed
*Choose elevated surface as needed to complete 2-3 unbroken reps.
4-5 sets:20 Sec AMRAP Leg Wrap Pistols - Alternating20 Sec AMRAP Back to Wall HS Hold--Rest 1:20 between sets--
*Move with quality and smooth tech, hitting good depth and positions with control.ScoringReps (higher is better)