A. General
2 sets
25/25 Shuttle jog
25’ Overhead walking lunges with light plate
25’ Long jumps using same plate: https://youtu.be/Wh8gH92kcXA?si=brfD6pEqvhyBbCUr
B. Mobility
Prone PVC presses
10 reps
C. Specific
3-6 Snatch deadlift: https://youtu.be/mp9gtX-JqB0?si=2Rp4hP2I0pw4U2SV
3 Overhead Squat
3 Tempo Snatch high pull: https://youtu.be/D0zYw-XAYIA
3 Snatch high pull to snatch: https://youtu.be/fWNO55vg4SE?si=GLRFOjFjdrcxzZbR
3-6 Tempo Snatch
TC: 15 minutes
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
5 x 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
As written
3 rounds
20 Burpee Shuttle Runs @ 25’
Max reps Strict Chin-ups
Rest 2 minutes
RX+ 7/5 Ring Muscle-ups
Score: Reps of Chin up
10 Burpee shuttle runs
6 Band assisted chin ups or Chin up grip ring rows
Band assisted chin ups if needed
Drop lunges holding KBs in each hand
3 x 8 reps
Starting from a 4-6" Riser