A. General
2 x Jump rope
2 x Air squats
2 x Med ball squats
B. Mobility/Activation
Goblet squat ankle mobility drill
C. Specific (Drills)
- Clean lift off
- Tempo Clean pull with pause
- Tempo Clean with pause
- Tempo clean
- Clean
TC: 8 minutes
Score: Weight (last bar)
Scaling Options
6 @ RPE 5
6 @ RPE 6
6 @ RPE 7
As written
AMRAP 15 minutes
40 Double-unders
10 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
10 CTB
Score: Rounds & reps
KG: 9/6
40 Single-unders
10 Wall ball @12/10lbs
10 Ring rows
Intermediate L1
20-40 Double-unders
10 Wall ball @16/12 lbs
10 Jumping C2B
Intermediate L2
10 Wall ball @ 16/12 lbs
6 Pull ups
20 Crossover double-unders
10 Wall ball @20/14 lbs
Behind the back wrist curls
3 x 60 seconds max reps
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Empty barbell or light. You should be able to complete the minutes breaking 1 or 2 times maximum.