A. GENERAL (5:00)Amrap 5 minutes5 Inchworm push ups / Knees5 Med Ball Ground to overhead5 Medball Push press against wall
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (1:00)PNF Thoracic extension on wall 1 minute
C1. SPECIFIC (2:00)6 Shoulder press, empty bar, control eccentric over 3 sec5 Shoulder presses @ 45%---Start ramp up written below
C2. SPECIFIC (3:00)10 Med Ball Squats5 Ring Rows2 x 5 Wall Balls (focus on seamless catch)5 Pull ups or scale
Score: WeightTC: 18 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner7 x 2
IntermediateAs written
"Karen" with a twist150 Wallballs for time, 20/14 lbs- Every Break, athletes have to perform 10 ring rows
Score: TimeTC: 15 minutesKG: 9/6
Scaling OptionsBeginner75 Wallballs for time, 14/10lbsEvery Break perform 5 Ring rows, RPE 5/10
Intermediate L1150 Wallballs for time, 14/12 lbsEvery Break, perform 6 ring rows
Intermediate L2100 Wallballs for time, 20/14 lbsEvery Break, perform 8 Ring Rows
5 sets10 Overhead Sit Ups @ 45/35 lbs10 Plate bent over rowsRest 1:00