B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (3 min)2 sets10 reps banded wall slide
C1. SPECIFIC (ramp up) (3 min) 5 Pause push press @ light*5 Tempo Push press @ slightly heavier5 Push press @ 50-60%
* Pause in the dip
Pause push press
C2. SPECIFIC (6-7 min)Ramp up deadlift to workout weight3 x 5---Practice round5 Wall balls3 push ups2 Deadlifts
TC: 12 minutesScore: WeightKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 x 3 @ technical
IntermediateAs written
4 rounds for time25 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs25 Push ups10 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs
TC: 16 minutesScore: TimeKG: 9/6, 100/70
Scaling OptionsBeginner15 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs10 push ups on knees, hands elevated5 Deadlifts @ 95/65 lbs
Intermediate20 Wall Balls @ 16/12 lbs15 Push ups, rings elevated10 Deadlifts @ 185/125 lbs
V-ups3 x 20
Core Endurance