A. GENERAL (4:00)Amrap 4 minutes- 30 Single or Double Unders- 5 Burpees- 10 PVC or Band Pass through"
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (3:00)Overhead Squats + Pause in bottom
Lat stretch with Barbell1:00
Overhead squats + Pause in bottom
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)Behind the neck snatch grip push jerk (or split jerk)1-2 x 3 reps---Overhead Squat Ramp up3 @ Empty bar3 @ light3-4 x 3 @ ascending load to working weight
C2. SPECIFIC (4:00)Ring Dips - Support Hold on Rings- Jumping Ring Dips or Box dips- Ring Rips (set up bands, etc)— Find Load for CarryStrict HSPU (athletes doing HS or pike Push ups)- 10-15 sec Handstand hold on Wall - 5 Pike Handstand push ups - 3-5 Handstand push ups / Pike Push upsAthletes doing DB Seated presses- 2 x 3 DB Press, ramp up to workout weight
4 x 3 @ 80%Rest 2 Minutes between sets
Score: WeightTC: 12 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner4 x 3 @ light & controlled
IntermediateAs written
3 rounds for time75 Double unders15 Strict Ring Dips75 Double unders9 Strict HandStand Push ups100' Farmer's Carry @ Heavy
RX+ Weighted Strict ring dips & Strict Deficit HSPU
Score: TimeTC: 15 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner75-100 Single unders10 Box Dips75-100 Double unders10 Seated DB Strict press50' Farmer's Carry @ Heavy
Intermediate L150-75 Double unders10 Band Assisted Ring Dips50-75 Double unders9 Pike Push ups (Feet on box as needed)100' Farmer's Carry @ Heavy
Intermediate L250-75 Double unders9 Strict Ring Dips50-75 Double unders6 Strict HandStand Push ups100' Farmer's Carry @ Heavy
4 x 20 Russian Twist, lightRest 1 minute between sets
Goal: Core Accessory