A. GENERAL (6:00)Partner Warm up2 rounds each (Cap at 6 minutes)While one partner is on the machine, the other partner performs6 Inchworm into jumping squat6 Forward Lunges
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)3 x 20-30 seconds in the bottom of the squat, assisted with vertical post from rig
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)Ramp up Front Squat5 @ Empty bar, pause in bottom for 2 seconds4 @ 40%3 @ 50%3 @ 60%3 @ 70%
C2. SPECIFIC (4:00)Grab Workout weight on Wall Balls5 Wall Balls5 Hollow ups5 Wall Balls5 V-ups or Modification"
4 x 3 @ 80%-Rest 1-2 minutes between sets-
Score: WeightTC: 10 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner4 x 3 @ tempo 3.1.X.1
IntermediateAs written
EMOM 18- Cal Machine*- 20 Wall balls 20/14 lbs- 16 V-ups
Cal Machine:Row, Ski, Bike Erg: 16/15 (Rx+ 18/15)Echo: 12/8 (RX+ 15/12)Assault: 15/12 (RX+ 18/14)
Score: CheckmarkTC: 18 minKG: 9/6 (Beg 5/4, Int 7/5)
Scaling OptionsBeginner- 45 sec Cal Machine*- 14 Wall balls 10/8 lbs- 12 Abmat Sit-ups
Intermediate- 15/12 Cal Machine- 20 Wall balls 16/12 lbs- 16 Knee Tucks
GHD Hip Extension5 x 10
GOAL: Posterior chain Accessory