A. GENERAL (4:00)4mins Alternating Tabata:- Plank Jacks: https://youtu.be/Fc6D2A4-398 - Plank to downward dog- Hollow Rocks- In and out squats:B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Bridge + Reach10-14 total repsC. SPECIFIC (16-19:00) Ring muscle upsBeginner & Intermediate- 2 x 3-5 False grip ring rows - 2 x 3-5 Jumping ring dips- 2 x 2-3 Ring row transition—Advanced- Low ring hip ext + pull back- Low ring muscle up transition—Set-up for workout
C. SPECIFIC, CTN’DPower Cleans, Focus on barbell cycling- 3 RDL- 3 Muscle cleans- 3 Power Cleans, pause at top and calling the return- 3 Power Clean, pausing in the return above the knees- 3 Power cleans, pausing in the return at mid shin—Ramp up to workout weight in 3 sets—-Set up for workout
This video has a snatch but the same idea applies for clean.
7 rounds10 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs5/3 Ring Muscle ups
TC: 18 minutesScore: TimeKG: 60/43 (34/25, 52/34)
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 rounds10 Power Cleans @ 75/55 lbs5 Ring Rows + 5 Box dips
Intermediate L17 rounds10 Power Cleans @ 115/75 lbs5 Ring rows transition + dip
Intermediate L27 rounds10 Power Cleans @ 115/75 lbs5 Band assisted Ring muscle up
Plank bird dogs3 x 20
Goal: Core Stability