A. GENERAL (6:00)Partner warm up2 rounds200m run / 1:00 Bike (together)10 Med ball lateral tosses / side10 Med ball overhead tosses
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Trap Smash30-45 sec / side
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)Push Press (Focus on Posterior chain engagement)5 Dip & hold5 Tempo Dip + Hold + Push Press5 Tempo Push press (tempo the dip)---Ramp up3 x 3 then start working sets
C2. SPECIFIC (2:00)2 Rounds4 Wall Balls4 Burpee2 shuttle runs (25/25 = 1)
3-3-3-3Work up to a 3 rep heavy, not max
-Rest 2 minutes b/w-
Score: WeightTC: 12 minutes
Scaling OptionsBeginner4 x 3, across
IntermediateAs written
Buy in 800m run3 rounds for time18 Burpees18 Wall balls @ 20/14 lbsBuy out 400m run
TC: 14 minutesScore: Rounds & RepsKG: 9/6 (6/4, 7/5)
Scaling OptionsBeginnerBuy in: 400m jog/walk3 rounds10 Burpees12 Wall balls 14/10 lbsBuy out: 200m jog/walk
IntermediateBuy in 800m run3 rounds18 Burpees18 Wall balls @ 16/12 lbsBuy out 400m run
3 sets8/8 side lying clam raises25/25' Banded monster walk
Goal: Glute Accessory