A. GENERAL (4:00)30 Jumping Jacks20 Mountain climbers10 Starfish 5 Inchworm push upsB. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)2 sets6 Good mornings6 Snatch grip Romanian Deadlift
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)Snatch Drills, focus on Torso Angle6 Snatch First pull6 Snatch Balance6 Power Snatch, Tempo first pull---Segmented Power Snatch6-8 Reps---Work up to workout weight
C2. SPECIFICDeadliftRamp up deadlift to workout weight3 sets----KB ThrustersWith workout weight2 x 3/3 KB Thrusters---Practice round5 Deadlifts2/2 KB Thrusters
3 x EMOM 3, Rest 1:00 between EMOMs
2 Power Snatch @ 75%
Score: WeightTC: 11 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerSnatch @ technical load
IntermediateAs written
3 rounds20 Deadlifts @ 185/135 lbs10/10 KB Thrusters @ 70/53 lbs
Score: TimeTC: 12 minutesKG: 84/60
Scaling OptionsBeginner15 Deadlifts @ 95/65 lbs10/10 DB Thrusters @ 25/15 lbs
Intermediate20 Deadlifts @ 155/115 lbs10/10 KB Thrusters @ 53/35 lbs
3 sets15 Band Face Pulls10/10 Band rear delt flies