Squat CleanHeavy Single (10-12 minutes)
* Rest as needed between sets *
10 min AMRAP1-2-3-4-5. . .Clean and Jerks (155/105)1 Rope Climb (or 6 Inverted Ring Rows)
Rope ClimbWeek 4 Day 1:
All Levels:Take 10-15 minutes and practice footwork, clamping, and standing up on the rope. 1-2 pulls (No more) up the rope and working on consistency.-Advanced athletes should practice starting from a jump, while beginners will use a box.
Alternate Workout Option:5 sets:10 DB Bicep Curls10 Banded Lat Pulldowns5-10 Strict Toes to Bar* Choose a number of T2B that you can maintain quality of movement. Modify to strict Knee to Elbow as needed.