1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate3:00 Machine-into-Every minute (7:00)2 Sandbag Deadlifts (lights)4 Box Step Ups5/4 Calorie Row2. Workout Prep2 sets: (with partner/ build in weight)10m Sandbag Carry (each)4 Synchro Box Step Ups5/4 Calorie Row2 Sandbag Bear Hug Step Back Lunges (each)
Freedom (RX'd)Teams of 2AMRAP 30 Minutes300’ Sandbag Carry (100/70) (Or Dumbbell Farmer Carry 70s/50s)50/40 Calorie Row300’ Synchro Lunge Walk(KG Conv: SB 45/32.5, DB 32.5/22.5)Individual Option:AMRAP 30 Minutes150’ Sandbag Carry (100/70) (Or Dumbbell Farmer Carry 70s/50s)30/24 Calorie Row150’ Walking Lunge(KG Conv: SB 45/32.5, DB 32.5/22.5)
IndependenceTeams of 2AMRAP 30 Minutes300’ Sandbag Carry (70/50) (Or Dumbbell Farmer Carry 50s/35s)40/32 Calorie Row300’ Synchro Lunge Walk(KG Conv: SB 32.5/22.5, DB 22.5/15)
LibertyTeams of 2AMRAP 30 Minutes200’ Dumbbell Farmer Carry (light)30/24 Calorie Row20’ Synchro Box Step Ups (20)
Target number of Rounds: 4+ RoundsMinimum number of Rounds before scaling: 3 rounds
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Shoulder/GlutesMini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.4 Rounds10 Barbell Strict Press @ moderate weight10 Double DB Z-Press @ moderate weight10 DB Snow Angel Raise @ moderate weight10 GHD Hip Raise @ maintain quality10 Deficit Sumo DB/KB Deadlift @ moderate weight-Rest 3 min b/t round-
1:00 Barbell Grip Smash (each side)1:00 Seal Pose (each side)1:00 Lacrosse Ball Smash (each side)