5 Rounds21 Deadlifts (135/95)15 Burpee Over Bar9 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
- Rest 1:00 between rounds -
Score: Total time including restTime Cap: 20:00
Target: 2:15-2:45/Round
Intermediate 21 Deadlifts (115/75)15 Burpee Over Bar9 Hang Power Clean (115/75)
Beginner21 Deadlifts (65/45)10 Burpee Step Over Bar9 Hang Power Clean (65/45)
8 x 0:20 on / 0:10 Off
Tabata Hollow Body Hold
Score: CheckmarkTime Cap: 4:00
IntermediateHollow hold, arms to the side
BeginnerTuck hold
2 Sets Per Side- 10-15 Side Plank Hip Touches- 1:00 Side Plank Hold on Elbow
* Perform the hip touches and the hold on one side before moving onto the next side.
Goal: Core Strength Accessory
A. GENERAL (6:00)Amrap 650’ Shuttle Run25' Walking Lunges25' Inchworm Walk50' Side Shuffle
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)Ballistic Leg Swings15 reps / Leg, Front to Back
C1.SPECIFIC (12:00)Deadlifts & Hang Power Cleans- 5 Romanian Deadlifts, Empty Bar- 5 Romanian Deadlift into Muscle Clean, Empty Bar- 5 Hang Power Cleans, Empty Bar- 5 Deadlifts @ 50% Workout Weight- 5 Hang Power Cleans @ 50% Workout Weight- 3 Deadlifts @ Workout Weight- 3 Hang Power Cleans @ Workout Weight
---Practice Round- 4 Deadlifts- 3 Burpee Over BAr- 2 Hang Power Cleans