:45 Cal Bike @ RPE 6
8 Tempo Ring Rows (:02 Pause at the top)
10 Tuck-Ups
12 Hollow Rocks
1-2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)
8 Scap Pull-ups (:02 Pause at the top)
10 V-Ups
MIN 1 - 12/10 Cal Bike
MIN 2 - Max Strict Pull-Ups
MIN 3 - 12/10 Cal Bike
MIN 4 - Max Toes to Bar
MIN 5 - Rest
(Score is Total Reps of Strict Pull-Ups + TTB)
MIN 1 - :45 Foam Roll Lats
MIN 2 - :45 Pec Smash w/Empty BB or Lax Ball
MIN 3 - :45 Rebound Pose
(No Measure)