1:00 EZ Bike
6 Cat Cow
8 Bootstrappers
10 Bird Dogs
1:00 Moderate Bike
6 Squats w/ Thoracic Twist
8 MedBall Cossack Squats*
10 Deadbugs
*Holding MedBall up and in front of face, perform 4 Cossack Squats each direction. Focus on keeping elbows up.
1:00 Moderate+ Bike
6 MedBall Push Press to target
8 Wall Balls
10 Sit-Ups
Dip Practice*
*Gymnastics Options...
Bar/ Bench Dips
Top/ Bottom Ring Hold
Strict Ring Dips (Banded Optional)
Kipping Ring Dips
(No Measure)
Max Cal Bike*
*Every 3:00 not including 0:00 complete 10 Unbroken Wall Balls (Athlete Choice) + 15 Sit-Ups.
(Score is Total Cals)
1:00/1:00 KB Calf Smash
10/10 SLOW Rower Hamstring Curls
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-