A. GENERAL (5:00)1 Minute Machine- 15 Air Squats1 Minute Machine- 10 Cossack Squat1 Minute Machine- 10 Jump Squats
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)PNF Pigeon Stretch5 reps / side, 5 seconds press down + 5-7 stretch
C. SPECIFIC (8:00)- 5 Back Squats, Tempo: 5.3.X.1, Empty Bar- 3/3 Reverse Lunges- 3 Back Squats, Light- 3/3 Deficit reverse lunges / Reverse Lunges- Ramp up Back Squats in sets of 3
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Dumbbell SnatchGrab workout weight & Go over Points of performances of the DB Snatch- 2/2 Single arm Dumbbell deadlifts- 4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch---Goblet Squat- 4 Goblet Squats
Every 2:00 x 5:3 Back Squats @ RPE 7/106 Seated Box Jumps
Score: Weight on Back SquatsTime Cap: 10:00KG: N/A
Scaling Options:Beginner:3 Back Squats, Technical6 Seated Vertical Jumps (Optional)
Intermediate:As written
For Time:30-20-10 Calories On MachineAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 1 x 50/35 lbsGoblet Dumbbell Lunge Steps @ 1 x 50/35 lbs
Score: TimeTime Cap: 11:00 KG: 22.5/15, Beg: 11.5/7 Int: 15/9
Scaling OptionsBeginner20-16-10Calories On MachineAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 1 x 25/15 lbsGoblet Dumbbell Lunge Steps @ 1 x 25/15 lbs
IntermediateCalorie MachineAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 1 x 35/20 lbsGoblet Dumbbell Lunge Steps @ 1 x 35/20 lbs
Pike Pulls, Feet on Rower3 x 10-15
Goal: Core Work