A. GENERAL (4:00)Team warm upYou go I go, 4 total rounds 1 minute machine while other partner is performing:Amrap of 5 medicine ball squats + 5 Medicine ball sit-ups
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Barbell Front Rack Rotations1:00
Beat Swings2 x 3-5
C. SPECIFIC (10:00)Grab all equipment: Medicine Ball, Barbell, Plates, Dumbbells, Kettlebells—-Push Press5 Shoulder press5 Tempo & Pause Push PressRamp up to workout weight in 2-3 sets—Kettlebell Swings2 x 3-5 RepsWall Balls2 x 5 Wall balls—Toes to Bar2 x 3-5 Hanging Knee Raises / Leg Raises3-5 Toes to BAr—Dumbbell Hang Cleans2 x 3-5 Reps
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Barbel Front Rack Rotations1:00
C. SPECIFIC (10:00)Grab all equipment: Medicine Ball, Barbell, Plates, Dumbbells, Kettlebells—-Push Press5 Shoulder press5 Tempo & Pause Push PressRamp up to workout weight in 2-3 setsToes to Bar2 x 3-5 Hanging Knee Raises / Leg Raises3-5 Toes to Bar—Wall Balls2 x 5 Wall balls—Burpee Over PartnerPractice set-up 2 x 2-4
For time
21-15-9Push Press @ 135/95 lbsKettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs
1000/800m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 2000m*
21-15-9Wall Balls 20/14 (RX+ 30/20)Toes to Bar
21-15-9Double Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans @ 50/35 lbsBurpee over Dumbbell
Score:TimeTC: 26 minsKG: 60/43, 32/24, 9/6, 22.5/15BEG: 30/20, 12/9, 6/5, 11/7.5
Scaling optionsBeginner15-12-9Push Press @ 65/45 lbsKettlebell Swings @ 26/18 lbs- 750/500m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 1600/1000m ( or 3:00)15-12-9Wall Balls 14/10Hanging Knee Raises- 750/500m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 1600/1000m ( or 3:00)15-12-9Double Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans @ 25/15 lbsBurpee Step over Dumbbell- 750/500m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 1600/1000m ( or 3:00)
Intermediate21-15-9Push Press @ 115/75 lbsKettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs- 1000/800m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 2000m*21-15-9Wall Balls 16/12Leg Raises (or 15-12-9 Toes to Bar)- 1000/800m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 2000m*21-15-9Double Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans @ 35/20 lbsBurpee over Dumbbell- 1000/800m Row / Ski / Run / Bike 2000m*
You go I go 3000m Row / Run
Into10 rounds of 10 Push Press 135/95 lbs10 Toes to Bar10 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs10 Burpees over Partner
Score: TimeTC: 32 minutesKG: 60/43, 9/6, Beg: 30/20, 5/4, Int: 52/35, 7/5
Scaling OptionsBeginner10 rounds of8 Push Press @ 65/45 lbs8 Hanging knee raises8 Wall Balls @ 12/8 lbs8 No Push up Burpees over Partner
Intermediate10 rounds of10 Push Press @ 115/75 lbs10 Swinging Leg Raises10 Wall Balls @ 16/12 lbs10 Burpees over Partner
Take 5-10 minutes to cool down & stretch out