1 set:1:00 row, slow10 PVC pass-throughs (wide grip)5 scap pull-ups5 elbow-to-instep/side10 air squats1 set:1:00 row, moderate10 PVC pass-throughs (moderate grip)5 kip swings6 alternating Samson stretch lunges10 counterbalance plate squats1 set:1:00 row, fast10 PVC pass-throughs (narrow grip)10 kip swings5 inchworms10 air squats
- RX -For time:500-m row30 toes-to-bars30 overhead squats (80/115 lb)500-m row
- INTERMEDIATE -For time:500-m row20 toes-to-bars30 overhead squats (65/95 lb)500-m row
- BEGINNER -For time:300-m row20 hanging knee raises20 overhead squats (15/35 lb)300-m row
- MASTERS 55+ - For time:500-m row30 toes-to-bars30 overhead squats (55/75 lb)500-m row
Accumulate: 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
For time:400-m run40 V-ups40 single-arm DB overhead squats (35/50 lb)400-m run
5 sets for load:10 close-grip bench presses- Rest as needed and build to your heaviest set of 10.- Use a spotter for this session if possible. If you are alone, be sure to not push to failure and be smart about the load you are lifting.