A. GENERAL (5:00)Partner Warm up, Amrap 5 minutesWhile one partner rowsThe other is performing - 15 Jumping Jacks- 7 Squat Thrusts
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (4:00)2 sets10 Banded squat pull through3 Band resisted broad jumpsC. SPECIFIC (6:00)Burpee Broad JumpGo over the various ways of performing Burpee broad jumps- 25' Both feet pop back & up- 25' Feet pop back, lunge up- 25' Lunge back + lunge up---Kettlebell Swings
2 x 5
C2. SPECIFIC (3:00)Grab Medicine Balls for Part 2Take 2-3 minutes to explain movement & practice
6 x 3 minutes on, 1 min offAmrap 1:- 50' Burpee Broad Jump- 20 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs- Max Cal Machine in remaining time
Amrap 2- 20/17 Cal Machine- 20 Kettlebell Swings- Max distance burpee broad jumps
Score: Total Reps (5ft=1rep)TC: 24 MinutesKG: 24/16, Beg 12/9, Int 20/12
Scaling OptionsBeginnerAmrap 1:- 25' Burpee Broad Jump- 15 Kettlebell Swings @ 26/18- Max Cal Machine in remaining time
Amrap 2- 15/12 Cal Machine- 15 Kettlebell Swings @ 26/18- Max Rep burpee broad jumps
Intermediate@ 44/26 lbs
In pairs or against the wall
3 sets of 60 seconds Medicine Ball Sit-up Toss / V-up Partner toss
Score: CheckmarkTC: 10 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner & IntermediateReduce load as needed
Toes Elevated Romanian Deadlifts3 x 12
Goal: Posterior Chain, Hamstring & Knee health