A. GENERAL (4:00)4mins Alternating Tabata:- Plank Jacks- Plank to downward dog- Hollow Rocks- Forward Lunges
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (4:00)2 sets10 Band Push Downs5/5 Side bend band pull in
C. SPECIFIC (8:00)5 Scap pull ups on rings1-4 Strict Ring Pull ups / Modification—Dumbbell Bench pressRamp up to workout weight
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Grab equipment & go over each movement Points of performances for the metcon- Burpees- Step ups- Sit-Ups- Walking Lunges
E2MOM x 4
6 Dumbbell Bench Press6-8 Ring Pull ups, neutral grip
Score: CheckmarkTC: 8 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner6 Dumbbell Bench Press6-8 Seated Ring Pull ups, neutral grip
Intermediate6 Dumbbell Bench Press6 Jumping Ring Pull ups, neutral grip
4 rounds, for reps1:00 Max rep Burpees1:00 Max rep Step ups, 20"1:00 Max rep Sit-ups1:00 Max rep Walking Lunges1:00 Active recovery
Score: Total repsTC: 20 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner45 seconds on, 15 seconds off
IntermediateAs written
Russian Medicine Ball Twist3 x 20
Goal: Core Rotation