A. GENERAL (5:00)Coach Says, 5 minutesMembers run around in the gym or in shuttles and the coach calls movements & reps. Example:- 6-8 Squat Thrusts- 6 Lateral lunges- 6 Jump Squats- ETC
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Bottom of Air Squat hold2 x 20-30 secondsRest 30 seconds
Squat Knee Touches2 x 10-12 reps
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)5 Back Squats @ empty bar, tempo (3.3.X.1)5 @ 40%3 @ 50%3 @ 60%----Begin Working sets
C2. SPECIFIC (2-3:00)Wall Balls, Go over points of performance5 Medicine Ball Squats (go over front rack) 5 Wall Balls (go over catching the ball)5 Wall Balls (cycling)—Practice Rounds1-2 Rounds30 sec Machine20 Single/Double unders5 Wall Balls
On a 15 minute clock, work your way up to a 2 rep heavy/Max Back squat
Score: WeightTC: 15 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 x 2, Controlled descent
IntermediateAs written
Amrap 14 minutes250m Row / Ski / 500m Bike 50 Double unders5 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs
Every round, add 5 Wall balls
Score: Total Wall ball RepsTC: 14 minutesKG: 9/6, Beg: 5/4, Int 8/5
Scaling OptionsBeginner250m Row / Ski / 500m Bike*50 Single unders5 Wall Balls @ 12/8 Lbs
Keep wall ball Reps at 5 or 10
Intermediate250m Row / Ski / 500m Bike*50 Double unders5 Wall Balls @ 16/12 lbs
Band Squat Pull through3 x 15 reps @ heavy band
Goal: Post Chain Accessory