A. GENERAL (6:00)Amrap 6 minutes10 In and out Squats6 Plate ground to overhead6 Overhead Alternating Curtsy Lunges
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Trap Smash60 sec / side
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Snatch Drills, focus on explosiveness and footwork- 5 Snatch grip behind the neck push press- 5 Snatch Balance- 5 Tall Squat Snatch- 5 Hang Squat Snatch- 2-5 Squat Snatch---Ramp up
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Shoulder to Overhead5 Push Press5 Push Jerks5 Reps of choice @ Workout weight---Practice Round (Optional)
Work your way up to a 1 Rep Max Snatch
1 @ 60%1 @ 65%1 @ 70%1 @ 75%1 @ 80%1 @ 85%1 @ 88%1 @ 92 %1 @ 96%1 @ 95%1 @ 101% +
Score: WeightTC: 20minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerWork up to a technical load then8 x 1
IntermediateAs written
4 rounds for time15 Shoulder to overhead @ 95/65 lbs15 Burpee Over Bar
Score: TimeTC: 8 minutesKG: 43/30, Beg Int
Scaling OptionsBeginner10 Shoulder to overhead @ 45/35 lbs8 Burpee Step Over Bar
Intermediate 15 Shoulder to overhead @ 75/55 lbs15 Burpee Over Bar
Half kneeling Bottom up KB shoulder press3 x 12/12
Goal: Shoulder accessory
In this video, Mat is using a DB but for stability swap for a bottom up KB!