Take 20-30 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.A. Back Squat: 4 x 2 @ 80-85% of Max -- Rest 60-90 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.B. Clean (Squat): 9 x 1 – Start at 70% and work up to a daily max -- Rest as needed in between your sets and record your heaviest in Wodify.C. Deficit Deadlifts: 4 x 6-8 @ a moderate weight -- Rest 45-60 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.
7-MIN AMRAP:– MAX Burpee onto Plate (Rx 2-3" Plate)
COOL-DOWN: Couch Stretch, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Pigeon Stretch, Foam Roll