200m Run
10-12 Supinated Band Pull-Aparts
10-12 Banded Upright Rows
66/ Crossbody Band Pulls
2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)
:20 Hollow Body Hold
:20 Superman Hold
10 False Grip Ring Rows
7-10 Scap Pull-Ups*
5-7 Small Kip Swings*
*Option to complete on bar or rings.
Practice Gymnastic Pull Option*
Gymnastic Options:
(Ring) Pull-Up
Chest to Bar
Hips to Rings
Ring Muscle-Up
(No Measure)
6 Pull-Ups or 8 Ring Rows*
*RX+ sub 3 Ring Muscle-Ups
(Score is Time)
*From CF 8/14/23
MIN 1 - :45 Up Dog to Down Dog
MIN 2 - :25/:25 Figure 4 Stretch or Half Pigeon
MIN 3 - :45 Child's Pose