A. GENERAL (5:00)4 rounds30 Single unders10 Band Good Mornings10 Band Shoulder press
B. MOBILITY/ ACTIVATION (2:30)Hamstring Scoops20 Total reps
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Focus on Tension in the set-up 3-6 Tempo Muscle clean + Press3-6 Tempo Power Clean + Push jerk3-6 Tempo Squat Clean + Split Jerk3 Squat Clean & Jerk— Ramp up
C2. SPECIFIC (10:00)BEG + INT:Jumping Bar Muscle ups6-8 Beat Swing, Feet on box4-6 Jumping Lat to Fly2-4 Jumping Bar Muscle upRX: Bar Muscle ups6-8 Beat Swings4-6 HIp to Bar2-4 Bar Muscle ups----Push Press5 Tempo Push press, Ramp up to workout weight
Squat Clean + Split Jerk2+1 @ 80%1+1 @ 85%3 x1 +1 @ 88%
Score: WeightTC: 12 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 x 1+1
IntermediateAs Written
Amrap 12 minutes6 Push Press @ 135/95 3 Bar Muscle ups 36 Double under
Score: Rounds and RepsTC: 12 minKG: 60/43, Beg 25/20, Int 52/34
Scaling OptionsBeginner6 Push Press @ 55/45 lbs3 Jumping Bar Muscle ups 36 Single under
Intermediate6 Push Press @ 115/75 lbs3 Jumping Bar Muscle ups 36 Double unders
3 sets6/6 DB Bent Over rows12 Seated Band Rows
Goal: Upper Back Post Chain