A. General
1 minute of movement for each of the following movements:- Burpees- Jump rope- Plate ground to overhead- Plate squats
B. Specific, Weightlifting Drills
- Tall muscle clean- Strict press- Tall power clean- Push press- Tall squat clean- Push Jerk—- Tempo clean and jerk
C. Specific, Metcon
With working load- 4 Burpee deadlifts- 4 Box jumps- 4 KBS
TC: 15 minutes
Score: Weight
Scaling OptionsBeginnerNo DU2+1, Cleans + Jerk
IntermediateAs written
Amrap 12 minutes
12 Burpee DB Deadlift @2x50/35
12 Box jump @24/20"
12 KB Swing @32/24 Kg
Score: Rounds & REps
KG: 25/15
Scaling Options
8 Burpee
8 Box/Plate Jump
8 KB Swing @16/12KG
12 Burpee DB Deadlift @2x35/25
12 KB Swing @24/16 Kg
100 Hollow rocks
50 V-ups