A. GENERAL (5:00)3 rounds10 In and Out Squats on plate10 Plate ground to overhead20 Mountain Climbers
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)PNF Front Rack Stretch on box5 repsContract down 5-7 secondsStretch down 5-7 seconds
C1. SPECIFIC (12:00)Clean Drills, Focus on cycling- "Bang Bang Drill", 1-1:30- 7 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift- 7 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift into muscle clean- 2 x 5 Hang Power Cleans---Ramp up to 65% In sets of 2
C1. SPECIFIC (CNT’D)Ring Dips- 10-15 Sec Support Hold- 2 x 5 Jumping ring Dips + Tempo Descent + Pause in the bottom- 2 x 5 RIng Dips / Modification----Burpee Box Jump Over5 Burpees3 Burpee Step ups5 Burpee Box Jump Overs + Step down*Time these 5 reps to help members visualize what 5 reps look like, this can help them set a goal.
4 x 4 Min Amrap, Rest 1 minute
Alternate between Amrap 1 & 2
1. Amrap 4Burpee Box Jump Overs + Step Down
2. Amrap 45 Strict Ring Dips5 Hang Power Cleans @ 65%
Score: Total Rounds & RepsTC: 20 minsKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner1. Amrap 4Burpee Step up overs, low box or plates2. Amrap 45 Box Dips5 Hang Power Cleans @ Technical load
Intermediate L1Band/Foot Assisted Ring Dips
Intermediate L23 Ring Dips
3 sets10/10 Side plank Knee touches25/25 Suitcase carry, Heavy
Goal: Core work