General warm-upEvery 2:00 for 4 sets::45 run, row, bike, or skiSet 1 | :45 inchwormsSet 2 | :45 air squatsSet 3 | :45 up-downsSet 4 | :45 PVC good morningsDynamic Warm-up1 set:10 leg swings/leg10 push-ups (from the knees as needed)10 PVC behind-the-kneck presses10 Cossack squats10 slow calf raises/leg10 PVC overhead squats
- INTERMEDIATE -AMRAP 15:3 scaled wall walks12 DB snatches (20/35 lb)15 box jump-overs (20/24 in)- Step down from the box. Stepping up is also permitted.
- BEGINNER -AMRAP 15:6 plank shoulder taps9 DB snatches (10/15 lb)12 box step-overs (12 in)- Step down from the box.
- MASTERS 55+ - AMRAP 15:3 wall walks12 DB snatches (20/35 lb)15 box jump-overs (20/24 in)- Box step-overs are permitted.- Step down from the box.
Accumulate:1:00 foam roll quads1:00 foam roll upper back1:00 foam roll calves
AMRAP 15:3 wall walks12 DB snatches (35/50 lb)15 object jumps (20/24 in)
Accumulate:3:00 L-sit hold- Perform the L-sit by using a pair of parallettes, hanging from a pull-up bar, or in any way you can get yourself off the ground. Use a variation for the entire 3 minutes that allows you to hold the L-sit for at least 10 seconds and no longer than 40 seconds. Rest as needed, but pick up where you left off until you accumulate 3 minutes of work.