A. GENERAL (6:00)3-4 rounds25' Walking lunges5-10 Banded OHS5 Jump Squats
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:30)PNF lat stretch on floor5 rep/arm- Contraction for 4-5 seconds- stretching for 5-7 seconds
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Snatch Drills, Focus on Triple extension3-6 Tall Snatch3-6 Dip Snatch3-6 Hang Snatch3-6 Low Hang Snatch---3-6 Overhead Squats---Complex Practice & Ramp up2 Lift Off + 2 Squat Snatch
C2. SPECIFIC (6:00)Pull ups2 x 4-6 Beat Swings2 x 3-5 Kip Swings2-6 Kipping pull ups (Trials) or Ring rows----CarryGrab workout weights & equipmentPractice Carry & Go OVer points of performances
Snatch Complex
Lift off + Squat Snatch
2 x 2+2 @ 70%3 x 2+1 @ 72%
Score: WeightTC: 10 minutes
Scaling OptionsBeginnerAs written, across with technical load
IntermediateAs written
Amrap 13 minutes3-6-9-12-15-18, etcPull ups100' Carry
Score: Reps of Pull upsTC: 13 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner3-6-9-12-15-18, etcRing Rows100' Carry
Intermediate3-6-9-12-15-18, etcPull ups, Band assisted as needed100' Carry
3 sets10 Alt DB Bench/Floor Press, heavy
Goal: Antagonist Accessory