A. General
4 minutes Row*
*EMOM 4 Lunges + 4 Jump Squats
B. Specific
2 sets
8/8 Banded lateral toe tap
4/4 Feet elevated unilateral glute bridge
4/4 RDL with reach
C. Specific 2
Ramp up walking lunges
5 sets, ascending load
Row 30 seconds @ hard damper & heels down
50' Back Rack walking lunges
Rest 2 minutes
TC: 20 minutes
Score: Weight
Scaling options
30 second row, normal damper, heels down
Same weight across @ moderate to heavy
As written
4 minutes on machine of your choice
right into
4 minute AMRAP
20 Air squats
10 Slam balls 30/20 lbs
5 Wall Balls as high as possible / As heavy as possible
No rest between sets
Score: Checkmark
TC: 16 minutes
Scaling Options
10-15 Air Squats
10 Slam balls @ light
5 Regular Wall balls @ light
20 Air Squats
10 Slam balls
5 Wall balls 20/14 lbs, 11/10’
Strict TTB (Hanging leg raises)
Hollow rocks