A. GENERAL (6:00)EMOM 6Odd- 45 sec Shuttle RunsEven- 5 Inchworms + 5 Burpees
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION( 3:00)2 sets30s/30s Lat Stretch against rig10 Band Wide Face pulls
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)3-5 Behind the Neck Snatch grip push press3-5 Snatch Grip Behind the neck Push Jerk / Split Jerk5 Empty Bar Overhead SquatRamp up Overhead squats3 @ 30%3 @ 40%3 @ 50%3 @ 60%3 @ 70%3 @ 75-80%
C2. SPECIFIC (8:00)Power Snatch3-5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts3-5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift into Muscle snatch3-5 Hang Power Snatch, focus on pulling the bar into the hips3-5 Power SnatchRamp up to workout weight in 3 sets----Toes to Bar5-7 Beat Swings5-7 Swinging Leg raises / Knee Tucks5-7 Toes to Bar
5 x 3 @ 82-85%
-Rest 2 Minutes between sets-
Score: WeightTC: 13:00KG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerTechnical load, Tempo 3.1.X.1
IntermediateAs written
5 rounds for time10 Power Snatch @ 135/95 lbs15 Toes to Bar
Score: TimeTC: 12 minKG: 60/45, 9/6, Beg: 25/15, Int 52/35
Scaling OptionsBeginner8 Power Snatch @ 55/35 lbs10 Swinging Knee Raises
Intermediate L110 Power Snatch @ 115/75 lbs15 Swinging Leg Raises
Intermediate L210 Power Snatch @ 115/75 lbs5-10 Toes to Bar
3-5 sets6 Seated Band Row, heavy band12 Behind the neck Band pull downs
Goak: Upper Body Pull accessory