A. GENERAL (6:00)"Coach Says"Jog around the gym or in shuttles and call out movements:- Inchworms- Air Squats- Burpees- Hollow/tuck ups
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (1:00)Hollow rock to straddle Stretch
C1. SPECIFIC (6:00)Snatch Deadlifts- 5 Snatch Romanian Deadlift, to the knees - 2 x 5 Snatch Romanian Deadlift, full ROM based on the athletes---Ramp up
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Grab Workout Weight3/3 DB Deadlift, DB between the legs6 Alternating DB Cleans6 Alternating DB Snatch---Elbow / Front Plank20-30 sec, go over points of performances---Dumbbell sit-ups5 Sit ups, unweighted5 Sit-ups, Workout weight
Snatch Romanian Deadlift
4 x 4 @ 85% Snatch
Score: WeightTC: 10 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerAs written, technical load
IntermediateAs written
EMOM 10Odd: 16 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches, 50/35 lbsEven: Alternate between:- 45-second Elbow Plank Hold- 45-second Dumbbell Sit-ups
EMOM 10Odd: 16 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Cleans, 50/35 lbsEven: Alternate between:- 45-second Plank Hold- 45-second DB Sit-ups
Score: CheckmarkTC: 20 minutesKG: 22.5/15, Beg: 10/7.5, Int: 15/9
Scaling OptionsBeginnerOdd: 12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches & Cleans, 25/15 lbsEven: Alternate between:- 30-second Plank Hold- 30-second Sit-ups
IntermediateDumbbells @ 35/20 lbs
3 sets10/10 Elbow Plank Hip touches50’ Death March
Goal: Core & hamstring Accessory