2-3 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)
12/10 Cal Row
10 Alt. Box Step-Overs
10 Ring Rows
10 Scap Pull-Ups
10 Hollow Body Rocks
1:00 Row (Mod Pace)
10 Box Jumps (Athlete Choice)
5 Chest to Bars*
-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-
*Option for Pull-Ups or Ring Rows.
(No Measure)
50/40 Cal Row
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Pull-Ups*
-Rest w/ Time Remaining-
*RX+ Option for Chest to Bar Pull-Ups.
(Score is Slowest Set)
200m Cool Down Walk
10 Cat/Cows
5 Bodyweight Jefferson Curls
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-