A. GENERAL (4:00)EMOM 4odd- 40 Plate hops / In and out squatseven- 10 Band pass throughs + 10 Band overhead Squats
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)Samson Stretch + lateral Flexion12 total Steps
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Snatch Drills, focus on Lift off- 3-5 Lift offs, Feet on metal change plates- 3-5 Segmented Snatch deadlifts, Feet on metal change plates- 3-5 Segmented Power Snatch- 3-5 Tempo Squat SnatchSegment @ lift off position---Ramp up in sets of 11 @ 40%1 @ 50%1 @ 60%1 @ 70%1 @ 75%1 @ 80%
C2. SPECIFIC (4:00)Grab wall balls & Box if not already out)5 Wall Balls5 Box Jump + Step down5 Wall balls5 Box Jumps (rebound if desired))"
3 x 1 @ 81%3 x 1 @ 83%3 x 1 @ 85%3 x 1 @ 87%
Score: WeightTC: 15 minutes KG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner12 x 1 @ across, Technical load
IntermediateAs written
Amrap 15 minutes25 Wall balls @ 20/14 lbs25 Box Jump Overs 24/20", Step down
Score: TimeTC: 15 minKG: 9/6, Beg: 5/4, Int: 7/5
Scaling OptionsBeginner15 WB @ 12/8 lbs15 Box/Plate Jumps
Intermediate25 WB @ 16/12 lbs25 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
Behind the neck Snatch grip push Jerk5 x 2 @ 85%
Goal: Snatch Accessory