A. GENERAL (6:00)2 Rounds of30 Jumping Jacks25' Samson Stretch25' Inchworm walk25' Crab walk25' Duck Walk
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (3:00)Ankle Stretch with barbell
C1. SPECIFIC (7:00)Front Squat Ramp up5 @ Empty Bar with tempo & pauses as desired3 @ 40%3 @ 50%3 @ 60%3 @ 70%3 @ 75%2 @ 80%
C2. SPECIFIC (7:00)Power cleans3 Hang Muscle cleans5 Low Hang power cleans5 Power cleans, focus on barbell cycling---Ramp up---Practice Round3 Power Cleans3 Bar facing Burpees
5 x 3 @ 82-85%
-Rest 2-3 Minutes b/w-
Score: WeightTC: 15 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 x 3 @ Tempo
IntermediateAs written
3 sets of4 rounds5 Power Clean @ 135/95 lbs7 Bar Facing Burpees
-rest 1:00 b/w-
RX+ 155/105 lbs
Score: Slowest setTC: 12 minKG: 60/43, Beg 25/20, Int 52/35, RX+ 70/50
Scaling OptionsBeginner3-4 Rounds3 Power Clean @ 55/45 lbs5 Burpees
Intermediate4 rounds5 Power Clean 115/75 lbs7 Bar Facing Burpees
6 sets6 Ball Slams, as hard as possible6 Seated high box jumps-Rest 1-2:00-
Goal: Power Conditioning