Take 20-30 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.A. Back Squat: 2 x 3 @ Daily Max (DM) – Complete 4 to 5 sets of 3-reps at 75% of Max Back Squat or higher as you progress towards your 3-rep max for the day. Then complete 2 sets at your daily max (DM). Record in Wodify.B. Clean Pull: 3 x 2 @ 100-105% of Max Clean -- Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record in Wodify.C. Deficit Stiff Leg Deadlift (RDL): 3 x 8-12 -- Go as heavy as possible with good form. Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record in Wodify.
3 ROUNDS:-- 10x Dual DB Front Rack Squats-- 50m Dual DB Front Rack Carry-- 10x Dual DB Shoulder-to-Overhead-- 50m Dual DB Farmers Rack Carry
10-MIN CAPDB Rx: 40/25, +50/35
Complete as much as you can with the time left in class.3 ROUNDS:
– 8-12x DB Lateral Raises– 8-12x DB Reverse Lateral Raises– Rest as needed.* Go as heavy as possible with good form. Adjust rep cout according to weight.COOL-DOWN: Couch Stretch, Foam Roll, Walk, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Foam Roll, Pigeon Stretch
Use a plate to elevate stnace of the floor 2-3 inches.