- RX -4 rounds for time:15 bar-facing burpees15 front squats (85/115 lb)75 single-unders
- INTERMEDIATE -4 rounds for time:10 bar-facing burpees15 front squats (65/95 lb)50 single-unders
- BEGINNER -4 rounds for time:10 burpees15 front squats (35/45 lb)25 single-unders
1 set:5 inchworm + push-ups5 up-downs5 burpees10 air squats (heels down):30 single-unders1 set:10 lateral leg swings/leg3 bar-facing burpees, slow3 bar-facing burpees, fast10 air squats (knees out):30 single-unders1 set::15 Samson stretch/leg4 bar-facing burpees, slow4 bar-facing burpees, fast10 air squats (depth below parallel):30 single-unders
Post workout:EMOM 5:5 strict ring dips- Hold the bottom and top for :01 each.
1 set:2:00 foam roll quads1:00 foam roll calves
4 rounds for time:15 DB-facing burpees15 DB squats (35/50 lb)75 single-unders- Use two DBs.
4 sets:50-ft farmers carry20 weighted hip extensions- Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.- Go as heavy as possible on the farmers carry. Use two loaded barbells for more of a challenge.- Use a single DB or bumper plate to add load to the back extensions; the load should allow for 10+ unbroken reps.
- Increase loading across as many sets as possible.- Take the barbell from a rack and use a spotter if available.- Begin the first set around 70-75% of your 1-rep max bench press.
5 sets:10 ring dips:30 L-sit hold- Choose an L-sit hold option that allows you to complete the L-sits in 3 sets or less; this could be from the ground, on rings, on boxes, hanging, etc.- Scale the ring dips by placing one or two feet on the ground for assistance.
4 sets for time:800-m runor1,600/2,000-m C2 Bike- Rest 3:00 between efforts- Finish the 800-m runs sub 4:30.- Push and sustain the pace for several sets.- ModificationsRun | Distance, ski, row, or bike800-m run substitutions | 800/1,000-m row. 800/1,000-m ski, 1,600/2,000-m C2 Bike, 1,750/2,500-m Assault or Echo Bike