:30 Row
10 PVC Pass Through
8 PVC Press From Half Squat*
4 Inch Worms
*1st Round Press from Front Rack, 2nd Round Snatch Grip Press from behind the Back.
10 Up-Downs
6 BB Clean Deadlifts
10 BB Alt. Elbow Punches
6 BB Push Press
1 ROUND (Time Permitting)
6 Burpees
6 Snatch Deadlift
6 Hang Snatch High Pull
6 High Hang Muscle Snatch
MIN 1 - 2-4 Power Snatches
MIN 2 - 2-4 Hang Clean & Jerks
*Start Light and build to workout weight or slightly past.
(No Measure)
FOR TIME 10 Power Snatches (115/75)(75/55) 20 Hang Clean & Overhead 20 Burpees 50/40 Cal Row 20 Burpees 20 Hang Clean & Overhead 10 Power Snatches (Score is Time)
MIN 1 - :25/:25 Moose Antlers
MIN 2 - :50 90-90 Alt. Hip Rotations
MIN 3 - :25/:25 Lying Internal + External Shoulder Rotations*
*Lying on your back, extend arm out from shoulder then bend elbow to 90 degrees so hand is facing up. Keeping the elbow down, slowly lower the forearm forward then backwards. Option to add some LIGHT weight.