Take 20-30 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.A. Back Squat: 4 x 5-6 @ 60-65% of Max -- Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.B. Deadlift Speed Pull: 2x @ 50-55% of Max Deadlift -- Every 30 Seconds for 8 Rounds (4-MIN EMOM) -- Explosive on the way up and controlled on the way down. Record your in Wodify.
9-MINUTE AMRAP/EMOM:-- Minute #1: 12x Alternating DB Power Snatches (Rx)-- Minute #2: 12x Front Rack DB Alternating Step-Back Lunges (Rx)-- Minute #3: MAX Push-Ups (Rx) -- This is your score!DB Rx: 50/35 (Use a single DB)PU Rx: Must follow standards (see video). No "Worm-Up" or Knee Push-Ups allowed.
Complete as much as you can with the time left in class.3 ROUNDS:
– 15-20x Calf Raises *– 10-15x Weighted Navy Sit-Ups *– 10-20-second Hollow Body Hold– Rest 30 seconds in between sets.* Go as heavy as possible with good form. Adjust rep cout according to weight.COOL-DOWN: Couch Stretch, Foam Roll, Walk, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Foam Roll, Pigeon Stretch