Take 20 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.A. Bench Press: 4 x 8-10 @ 60-65% of Max -- Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.B. Strict Chin-Up: 4 x 10-12 (Rx+ Weighted) -- Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x-- 150m Run starts each round.-- XX Toes-To-Bar (Rx)
Complete as much as you can with the time left in class.3 ROUNDS:
– 8-10x Neutral Grip Shoulder Press *– Straight into...– 12-16x Alternating DB Front Raises *– Rest 15 seconds in between sets.
– 12-16x Alternating DB Hammer Curls *– Rest 15 seconds– 8-12x Standing Tricep Extensions *– Rest 15 seconds in between sets.* Go as heavy as possible with good form. Adjust rep cout according to weight.COOL-DOWN: Couch Stretch, Foam Roll, Walk, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Foam Roll, Pigeon Stretch