200m Run
5/5 SA Deadlifts
5/5 SA DB Swings
5/5 SA Strict Press
8 Up-Downs
10 Alt. DB HP Cleans
5/5 DB Push Press
8 Alt Lunges
(Score is Weight)
Week 3 of 6
Strength | 5-3-1 Cycle
100m Run
6 Single DB Overhead Alt. Lunges (50/35)*
4 Alt. DB Devils Press
*Perform 3 Reps with DB OH on L-side then 3 Reps DB OH on R-side.
**Pick up where you left off.
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)
6 Single DB Front Rack Alt. Lunges (35/20)*
*Perform 3 Reps with DB FR on L-side then 3 Reps DB FR on R-side.
10 Alt. Wrist Push-Ups*
1:30/1:30 Half Pigeon Stretch
*In a table top position, start with both hands in fists on the ground. Slowly unroll one hand so back of the hand is on the ground, with palms up. Roll back into a fist and switch sides.
-Rest as Needed b/t Set-
(No Measure)