- 2:00 ECHO Bike (:30 Easy, :20 Moderate, :20 Hard, :20 Moderate, :30 Easy)
- 5E World’s Greatest Stretch (Perform all on one side, then switch)
- 5 Updog/Downdog Transitions (:03 Pause in each position)
- 5 Sumo Squat w/Thoracic Reach (Stand up between each rep)
Then, perform 3 rounds of the following:
- 3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
- 3 Tall Muscle Snatch (2nd Round: A/K Power Snatch, 3rd Round: B/K Power Snatch)
- 3 Overhead Squats
15:00 Build to a Heavy Complex:
- 1 A/K Snatch + 1 B/K Snatch + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS
* Athlete Notes: After warming up, spend 15:00 building up to a heavy unbroken complex with a partner or solo.
20:00 AMRAP w/Partner
- 4 Power Cleans (155/105)
- 12 American KBS (70/53)
- 48 Double Unders
- 12 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 4 Ring Muscle-Ups
* Flow (IMPORTANT): 2 Athletes will work together on this AMRAP alternating MOVEMENTS. For example, Athlete 1 will perform the cleans, then Athlete 2 will perform the American KBS. Athlete 1 will then do the double unders, Athlete 2 will complete the wall balls, with Athlete 1 finishing the ring muscle-ups. Due to the uneven number of movements, Athletes will get exposure to all movements every 2 rounds completed. If performing solo, switch the AKBS and WB in the order of movements.
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: Power Clean (95/65), KB (53/35), 24 Double Unders, 4 Ring Rows + 4 Ring Dips (Banded if necessary)
* Level 1: Power Clean (75/55) OR KB SDHP, Russian KB Swing (53/35), Single Unders, WB (14/10), 4 Ring Rows + 4 Push-Ups
* Athlete Notes: All movements and rep schemes are set so that there is a high probability for you to go unbroken on each movement for the entirety of this piece. Move to your next station as your partner is finishing so transition times are minimal.
Minute 1: :45 Pretzel (R)
Minute 2: :45 Pretzel (L)
Minute 3: :45 Seated Forward Fold