Take 20-30 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.A1. Strict Shoulder Press: 2 x 6-10 -- Warm-Up Sets **
... then ...
A2. Overhead Press Complex: 2 x 1 Complex -- Working Sets (3x Strict Press + 4x Push Press) **** Go as heavy as possible with good form. Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record the complex separately in Wodify.B. 3 ROUNDS:
-- 6-10x Bench Press **-- Rest 15 seconds-- 30 seconds Max Rep Dips (Rx: Rings, Rx+: Weighted)-- Rest 60 seconds
** Go as heavy as possible with good form. Record in Wodify.
9 MINUTE AMRAP/EMOM (3 x 3 Minute Rounds):-- Minute #1: MAX Reps Front Rack Alternating Lunges-- Minute #2: MAX Reps Bent Over Rows-- Minute #3: MAX Reps Floor PressesBar Rx: 115/75, +135/95** Keep track of your total number of reps per each 3 minute round. By the end of the WOD, you should have recorded 3 different scores.
Complete as much as you can with the time left in class.3 ROUNDS:
– 10-14x Alternating DB Front Raises *– Rest 15 seconds.– 8-12x DB Lateral Raises *– Rest 30 seconds.* Go as heavy as possible with good form. Adjust rep cout according to weight.COOL-DOWN: Couch Stretch, Foam Roll, Walk, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Foam Roll, Pigeon Stretch