4/4 Moose Antlers
8 Banded Pull Aparts + 8 Banded Pass Thrus
8 Alt. 90-90 Hip Rotations*
24 Single Unders
*Switch to Air Squats at the 4:00 mark.
Choose Overhead Squat OR Front Squat
*Start Moderate+ and build to Heavy+. The second wave should be heavier than the first.
(Score is Weight)
Week 3 of 5
Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle
*Start Moderate and build to Heavy. The second wave should be heavier than the first.
20 Overhead Squats OR Front Squats (135/95)
-Immediately Into-
5 Shoulder to Overhead
50 Double Unders
Max Overhead Squats OR Front Squats in Time Remaining...
(Score is Total Max Overhead or Front Squats)
*Sub 80 Single Unders for 50 Double Unders
MIN 1&2 - Cardio Choice (Nasal Breathing)
MIN 3 - :45 Box Prayer Stretch
(No Measure)